Sabah, these were such great points and they ALL resonated. Happy 10th Anniversary, by the way! I think the point I have the most trouble with is number 4, if you’re not moving forward, you’re moving backward. I often feel stuck, like I’m just coasting through life and paralyzed to take a decision. This is one that I’ll spend some time thinking about. Thank you for sharing such lovely and hard-won lessons from your marriage❤️

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Thank you, as always, soul sis! 💛 I'm still having some trouble with No.4 tbh - as I always thought we can be moving forwards, going backwards, or staying still. I'm going to be contemplating this and researching this further. I think in the program I'm listening to, they talk about it on a scientific level - but I think on a spiritual level, there is so much power to be found in those times where things don't feel like they're moving. Or in those times where we consciously choose to be still. What do you think? Sending you love. Always here when you need to talk. x

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